Sunday, February 13, 2011

Visual Texture

Sidewalk chalk art is a perfect example of visual texture by definition. It's designed to momentarily fool its viewers to think the scene before them is real.

Unity through Continuity

There is a visual relationship between the two individual figures in this print.

Unity with Variety

Although each 'face' is slightly different in color and design, their arrangement and similarity in size and shape give them and obvious underlying feeling of unity.

Unity through Continuation

The woman's arms in this picture help to achieve unity through continuation, in that they creates fluid eye movement from side to side.

Unity through Repetition

I thought this photo showed unity through repetition in a unique way. Unity through repetition is achieved by repeating the mans face within his own mouth.

Unity through Proximity

With the subjects in this photograph being close together, we see them as a group rather than as individual elements.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Line As Shape

Line definitely plays a large role in the success of this print. Even with the lack of detail on the bottom half of the tiger's face, it is easily recognizable because of the shape created by line on top.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm really attracted to simplicity, which is why I chose this print. I think the minimalism of the design itself really compliments the message.

I thought this was appropriate while in the midst of the pattern project. What I like about this print is the color scheme, and its subtle 1950's housewife vibe.